Our Ref 6H: Character filled 1910's weatherboard home superbly located in an elevated position overlooking the township of Dungog. * 2 generous sized bedrooms. * Separate lounge and dining areas. * Modern kitchen and bathroom. * Split system air conditioning. * Large verandah with 5 star views. * Lockable 2 car garage. This deceivingly spacious home is set on a large 972 square metre block fully restored to its original glory.
Was for Sale
- Publish Date: 18-03-2010 07:17:17
- Contact name: Kel Sullivan
- 87 times displayed
- Website:
- Location: Australia
- Business: Dillon & Sons Pty Ltd
- 2 1 2
- Price: $279000
82 Chapman Street, DUNGOG, NSW, Australia, 2420
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