
Mount Tamborine - Gilt-Edged Property - $1050000

Click here to search '2024 local prices' for  44 Alpine Terrace, MOUNT TAMBORINE, QLD, Australia, 4272


This prestigious Property, Alpine Gardens, is 'For Sale' at an asking price of just over a Million Dollars, with rental return from the House, Restaurant, Flat and the Nursery. The property consists of 2 only, 6,800 m2 blocks on separate titles, and is obviously a prime site for a substantial home. The Title with the Nursery has a large shed with a spacious, one-bedroom flat in the upper level. This title, on which the Nursery is situated, can still have a home built on it. The other title's improvements include a two-storey home and an attached restaurant known as Cafe Ella. The gardens are spectacular, interlaced by numerous pathways and contain the largest Red Cedar tree the writer has every seen. Truly one of the better known landmarks on Mount Tamborine - Alpine Gardens ! For an inspection through Bruce Mackay-Payne, Marketing Agent with Tamborine Mountain First National. Phone 0408 725 544

Was for Sale

Place: 44 Alpine Terrace, MOUNT TAMBORINE, QLD, Australia, 4272 Average Price in MOUNT TAMBORINE ...