
Brand New Townhouse - $315

Click here to search '2025 local prices' for  1 Gerald Avenue, CLONTARF, QLD, Australia, 4019


This brand new, three bedroom townhouse situated in convenient Clontarf. This property offers, comfort and security as well as a courtyard for entertaining. Features include: - 3 Bedrooms (all with built-ins) - Master Bedroom, air conditioning, ensuite and glas sliding door to courtyard. - Quality kitchen with stainless steel appliances and dishwasher - Open Plan Lounge/Dining with Air-conditioning - Main Bathroom with shower over bath tub - Landscaped, low maintenance court yard with clothes line - Security Screens on all doors and windows - 3rd toilet downstairs - Internal laundry Easy access to shops, transport & schools Please contact Graham Cannon First National to organise a viewing. PH:07 3283 6222

Was for Rent

Place: 1 Gerald Avenue, CLONTARF, QLD, Australia, 4019 Average Price in CLONTARF ...