A Taxi License is a business service that is a very well accepted asset. The Taxi Industry is overseen by the Queensland government to ensure that communities are provide with quality and innovative services at a reasonable cost. So in other words a Taxi License holds capital value and the capital gain on a Taxi License has historically been one of its most attractive features as an investment. A taxi License has a term that has an automatic renewal and therefore is effectively perpetual. The advantage to holding a Taxi License is that this business can be run in one of two ways to generate income, with an active owner driving who manages the business as well. Or as a fully staffed operation with the owner just concentrating on the management of the business. Either way Mals Taxi business is the perfect opportunity to secure an established business with secure income and growth potential. Mals Taxi currently holds two Taxi Licences and has 3 vehicles, 2 of which are on the road and the other is on standby for immediate replacement of another vehicle in the case of emergency or breakdown. Currently both current owners work actively in the business as well as having seven contracted drivers on casual and semi permanent basis. The vendors are offering to stay on to make the hand over and transition into this venture as smooth as possible. Accountants figure available to genuine enquiries I ll health forces this business to be offered for sale, please book your inspection with Exclusive Agent Robert Owens Mareeba First National Real Estate 0447 796 636 $650,000
Was for Sale
- Publish Date: 25-03-2010 04:24:08
- Contact name: Debbie Sweedman
- 396 times displayed
- Website:
- Location: Australia
- Business: Mareeba First National Real Estate
- Price: $650000